Get the Free Simple Budget Course!

Hey there! I'm Tim and I created this course to help people who are looking for a more simple way to better manage money so you can start paying off debt and save money for the things that matter the most to you. Why I created this course:I struggled for years to budget and never found a way that worked for me. So I created one for myself. This tool and process has been absolutely essential in helping our family eliminate debt and accumulate savings and I want to help other families do the same. Why the course free:I am putting this out there for free because I want to see if this helpful to other people. So far, my only proof that this tool and process works is my own experience. I want to help others with it but don't want money to be a barrier. So, it's least for now :) What's included in the course:* Free Simple Budget Spreadsheet* Free Instructional Videos to help you use the Simple Budget Spreadsheet* Free Email Support for any questions you may have 

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